Rick Harrison and Howard Smith were appointed Joint Administrators of Tuffnells Parcels Express Limited – in Administration (the ‘Company’) on 12 June 2023.
Please note that the Company ceased to trade on 12 June 2023 with immediate effect. For any enquiries, please use the following dedicated email inboxes to direct your enquiry to the right place:
Creditors - tuffnellscreditors@interpathadvisory.com
Employees - tuffnellsemployees@interpathadvisory.com
Customers - tuffnellscustomers@interpathadvisory.com
Information for customers and those awaiting deliveries:
B2B customers of the Company should log into their customer portal on the Company's website in order to receive further information on how to retrieve their parcels. Customers are advised to contact the following mailbox with queries: tuffnellscustomers@interpathadvisory.com.
If you are expecting a parcel from the Company which has not been delivered, please contact the seller for a resolution as the Company is unable to deliver any parcels.
B2B customers of Tuffnells should log into their customer portal on the Company’s website in order to receive further information on how to retrieve their parcels.