Jim Tucker, David Pike and Mike Pink were appointed Joint Administrators of Liberty International Group Treasury Limited – in Administration (the ‘Company’) on 26 June 2020.
Full list of entities placed into insolvency proceedings on 26 June 2020
Jim Tucker, David Pike and Mike Pink were also appointed Joint Administrators of 7 other Intu Group companies on 26 June 2020.
These Companies, which are currently continuing to trade, are listed below, together with a link for each company's respective Portal.
Intu Properties plc
Intu Shopping Centres plc
Intu Management Services Limited
Intu Retail Services Limited
Intu RS Limited
Intu Energy Limited
Liberty International Holdings Limited
Further information
Intu (Jersey) 2 Limited, which was the issuer of £375m of 2.875 per cent. convertible bonds due 2022, was placed into creditors’ winding-up under Jersey law on 11 August 2020. Linda Johnson of KPMG Channel Isles Ltd, and Mike Pink, we appointed joint liquidators. If you require further information on this company, please write to:
The Liquidators of Intu (Jersey) 2 Limited
c/o KPMG Channel Islands Ltd
37 Esplanade
St Helier
Jersey JE4 8WQ
Please note that the significant majority of other companies in the Intu group are not in any form of insolvency procedure. If you have any contractual relationships directly with any Intu company, you should direct any enquiries to the management of that company in the first instance.