4D Pharma Plc – in Administration

James Clark and David Pike were appointed Joint Administrators of 4D Pharma Plc – in Administration (the ‘Company’) on 24 June 2022.

Some useful information relating to the administration appointment and the status of the Company's shares is provided below:

Question 1. What is an administration?

Answer 1. An administration is a formal insolvency process by which a company is placed under the control of licensed Insolvency Practitioners to achieve objectives laid down by statute. At its most basic, the fundamental role of the Administrator is to realise that entity’s assets for the benefit of that entity’s creditors. A moratorium is provided by which creditors and others are prohibited from taking or pursuing legal proceedings against the company while it is in administration.  

Question 2. Why have the Company’s shares been suspended?

Answer 2. Because on Friday 24 June 2022, James Clark and David Pike of Interpath Advisory were appointed as joint administrators (the "Administrators") of 4D Pharma Plc (the "Company” or “4D”).  

Question 3. Will there be any future value in my shares?

Answer 3. You should seek advice from an independent financial adviser. Following the Administrators’ appointment, we are working to establish the likely outcome for creditors and other stakeholders. Given that the position is currently unknown, we are not requesting details of any claims from shareholders at this time.  

Question 4. Can I utilise the losses on my shares to offset future capital gains?

Answer 4. You should seek advice from an independent financial adviser or tax consultant as to the impact of any losses on future capital gains.

Question 5. What information will be available for shareholders?

Answer 5. Within eight weeks of the administration appointment, the Administrators will write to shareholders of whose addresses we are aware notifying them that a copy of the Administrators’ proposals are available to view on our Insolvency Portal (https://www.ia-insolv.com/interpathadvisory-insolvency-portal.html). In the meantime, we will make a copy of the notice of the Administrators’ appointment as well as other letters and notices circulated to all known creditors of the Company available on our Insolvency Portal. Please note that shareholders do not have the right to vote on matters arising in the administration, because of this the correspondence and interaction between the Administrators and shareholders may be very limited.

Statutory notices and reports

Creditor request for a physical meeting 
Creditor’s request to revoke opt out 
Creditor’s request to opt out 
Notice of appointment 
Initial letter to creditors on appointment 
Notice of seeking deemed consent for proposal 
Letter to creditors - notice of administrators' proposals 
Joint Administrators’ Proposals 
Notice of approval of administrators' proposals (deemed approval) - insolvency portal 
1st Progress Report 
Letter enclosing notice of decision 
Decision notice 
Letter enclosing notice of decision. 
Decision notice. 
Letter enclosing extension decision notice 
Extension decision notice 
Notice of Extension 
2nd Progress Report 
Progress Report 3 
Notice of seeking decision of creditors by correspondence 
Letter enclosing notice of decision procedure. 
Letter to Creditors - Notification of Court Application for Administration extension 
Letter to Creditors - Notification of Court Application - Retrospective order of administration extension 
Letter to creditors notifying of 2nd administration extension 
The Joint Administrators' Revised Proposals 
Notice to creditors - deemed approval 
Notice to court - deemed approval 
Progress Report 5 

How to submit a claim

If you have amounts due to you from the Company as at the date of appointment, you can register a claim by completing a proof of debt form.

Please send your completed proof of debt form, together with supporting documentation, by email to the case contact or by post to:

4D Pharma Plc – in Administration
C/o Interpath Advisory
5th Floor
130 St Vincent Street
Glasgow G2 5HF

Supporting documentation for your claim includes invoices, statements of account, proofs of delivery, contracts or any other relevant information.

James Richard Clark and David John Pike are authorised to act as insolvency practitioners by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

We are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics.

The Officeholders may be Data Controllers of personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018. Personal data will be kept secure and processed only for matters relating to the appointment. For further information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Contact us

Aruj Mughal
Case contact
Tel +44 (0) 161 529 8847
Fax +44 (0) 161 529 9010

George Brough
Case Manager

Useful information
